by zorand
[eventry_about_title title=”Vasilis Kazepidis” desc=”Greece”]

E.FIAP/s. , GPU CR4 , GPU VIP2 , R-ISF 10 , ER-ISF , c**MoL ,

E.HPS/s. , HM.-HPS , M.APS , ES.CPE , Hon.CPE , A.CPE


He was born at N. Ionia, Volos in 1956 and he still lives there. He graduated the six-seater High School of N.Ionia, Volos. He had completed the Building Plan Section of  Μ.Τ.Ε. School of Volos.

He had been working at “Olympos” Cement Factory of AGET HERCULES, member of Lafarge Group, from 1980 until 2013.


Photography came to his life on 1989, by attending initially relevant seminars at the Municipal Youth Community DIAVLOS of Volos.


He was member of DIAVLOS Photographic Group from its founding in 1990 until 1997 and from 2014 until 2017.

He is also member of the Hellenic Photographic Society since 1990.
Additionally, he has been member of Federation Internationale de l’ Art Photographique (F.I.A.P.) since 1990,

Image Sans Frontier (I.S.F.) from 1997 until 2000,

founding member of Volos Phtoto Club since 2006

Global Photographic Union (G.P.U.) since 2017 ,

PSA (Photographic Society of America) from 2021


On December 1988, he attended “Photographic Education in Greece” conference, organized by the Department of Fine & Applied Arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.



1990 Group Exhibition of Volos Youth Society, Volos.

1993 Group Exhibition of artists from Magnesia at Palamas Building, Athens.

1994 Group Exhibition of 4 photographers from Volos at Hatzigiannis Cultural Center, Larissa.

1993-1997 Seven Group Exhibitions of DIAVLOS Photo Team, Volos.

1999 Group Exhibition of HPS members at the international photo festival of Moravia.

2000 Group Exhibition of photographers from Volos at at the 2nd Photo Festival, organized by HPS at the Center of Art ‘’ Giorgio de Κyriko ‘’, Volos.

2000 Group Exhibition of HPS members at the international photo festival of Oradea, Romania.

2002 Group Exhibition of Greek Photographers at the International Festival of Cordoba, Spain.

2006 Group Exhibition of Volos Photo Club  members, Volos.

2015-2017 Five Group Exhibitions of DIAVLOS Photo Team, Volos.

2017 Group Exhibition named ” MATRYOSHKA ” at the Center of Art ‘’ Giorgio de Κyriko ‘’, Volos.

2018 September : Group Exhibition of Greek Photographers at the International Festival at Naiman, Mongolia, ‘’1st China Naiman Camel Bell on Silk Road International Photo Festival’’, organized by  GPU (Global Photographic Union); it was one of the biggest exhibitions presenting the four ancient civilizations from: Greece, China, India and Egypt, with more than 20,000 works. The Greek photographers (GPU and HPS members( contributed with 50 works).




At national competitions: 10 awards (medals , Hon.Mentions etc)

At international competitions : more than 250 works, with more than 4600 acceptances at 73 countries,

280 awards : 56 medals (24 gold , 9 silver , 13 bronze , 9 Merit medal , 1 Best of.. ) , 224 diplomas




As a result of the successful participations at national and International Salons, he has been rewarded with the following artistic titles:

2000 January : ”ARTISTE” of F.I.A.P. (Federation Internationale de l’ Art Photographique)

2017 August : ”Crown 1” of G.P.U. (Global Photographic Union)

2017 December : ‘’Honary Member’’ (HM-HPS) as a 25-years member of HPS

2017 December : ”ARTIST” of HPS (Hellenic Photographic Society)

2018 March : ”Crown 2” of G.P.U. (Global Photographic Union)

2018 April : ”EXCELLENCE” of F.I.A.P. (Federation Internationale de l’ Art Photographique)

2018 December : HPS Honorary Diplome for his successful participation at China
Huangbai Mountain International Photography Exhibition’’ , (Patr : FIAP 2018-007 ,
PSA 2018-003 , RPS 2018/6 , GPU L180002 , IAAP 2017/034 ), where HPS was awarded as

the second photo club .

2019 December : ” EXCELLENCE ” of HPS. (Hellenic Photographic Society)

2019 December : ” EXCELLENCE – Bronze Level ” of HPS. (Hellenic Photographic Society)

2019 December : ” EXCELLENCE – Bronze ” of F.I.A.P.( Federation Internationale de l’ Art Photographique)

2019 December : ” c MoL ” of Master of Light Photographic Association (the first Greek ever).

2020 March : ”VIP 1” of G.P.U. (Global Photographic Union)

2020 May : ”Crown 3” of G.P.U. (Global Photographic Union)

2020 May : ”Genius ( G.APS )” of APS (Agile Photographic Society) , Bangladesh

2020 August : ” c * MoL ” of Master of Light Photographic Association

2020 September : ”ES.CPE” (Excellence Services) of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society

2020 October : ”A.CPE” (ARTIST) of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society

2020 December : ” EXCELLENCE – Silver Level ” of HPS. (Hellenic Photographic Society)

2020 December : ” EXCELLENCE – Silver ” of F.I.A.P.( Federation Internationale de l’ Art Photographique)

2021 January : ”Artisan ( A.APS )” of APS (Agile Photographic Society) , Bangladesh

2021 February : ”Reconnaissance R-ISF 1 , R-ISF 4 , R-ISF 7 , R-ISF 10” of French ISF (Image sans Frontière).

2021 March : ”VIP 2” of G.P.U. (Global Photographic Union)

2021 May : ”Mérite ED-ISF (Exposant Distingué – Distinguished Exhibitor) ,

EH-ISF (Exposant Honorable – Honorable Exhibitor) ,

ER-ISF (Exposant Renommé – Renowned Exhibitor) ,

of French ISF (Image sans Frontière).

2021 Jyne : ”Crown 4” of G.P.U. (Global Photographic Union)

2021 August : ”Master ( M.APS )” of APS (Agile Photographic Society) , Bangladesh

2021 September : ”Hon..CPE” (HONORARY) of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society



Nominate for the following Titles :

”EXCELLENCE / gold” of F.I.A.P.
”Crown 5” of G.P.U. (Global Photographic Union)

”VIP 3” of G.P.U. (Global Photographic Union)

”Ε.CPE” (Excellence) of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society

”EXCELLENCE / gold” of HPS (Hellenic Photographic Society)

”GM.APS” (GRAND MASTER) of APS (Agile Photographic Society), Bangladesh


He was included at the ”Who is Who in Photography” list of PSA due to his achievements at the PSA approved competitions, among the world top photographers

1) 2017 , categories:

  1. a) ”Projected Image Division (PID) Monochrome”,
  2. b) ”Photojournalism Division (PJD) Projected”.



2) 2018 , categories (the only Greek) :

  1. a) ”Projected Image Division (PID) Color”
  2. b) ”Projected Image Division (PID) Monochrome”
  3. c) ”Nature Division (ND) Digital”
  4. d) ”Photo Travel Division (PTD) Digital”
  5. e) ”Photojournalism Division (PJD) Projected”



3) 2020 , categories:

  1. a) ”Projected Image Division (PID) Color”
  2. b) ”Projected Image Division (PID) Monochrome”
  3. c) ”Photo Travel Division (PTD) Digital”
  4. d) ”Photojournalism Division (PJD) Projected”



Various works from his collections had been published in magazines, newspapers, special editions (photo books etc) and are part of private collections, archives and organizations in Greece and abroad.