by zorand

If you meet all the criteria for distinctions, we invite you to submit your application

Exhibitions with Master of Light patronage


YPS International Salon 20242 September
Through the Viewfinder 202414 September

Master of Light PA Proudly Presents

Balachandder SK

new author with two stars distinction

Balachandder SK

New stars on MoL sky


Master of Light PA Proudly Presents

Somdutt Prasad

new author with competitor distinction

Dedicated to sharp picture

I am a practising eye specialist, specialising in diseases of the retina and cataract surgery. Dealing with vision all the time has given me a deep understanding of the nuances of light behaviour and naturally attracted me to photography.

We are looking for collaborators
for the following positions:

Middle East;
Australia & Oceania,
Far East,
A representative from each country

Soon new Master of Light place in Europe

Barcelona, New Headquarter in Europe